USS Lexington CV16/CVA16/CVS16/CVT16/AVT16 and CV2


New Front Page



Please go to the PRESS link in the navigation ribbon at the head of this page for important information regarding our yearly publishing schedule.

The Association newsletter the Sunrise Press is the most important vehicle to provide each of you stories and happenings of our shipmates.  It introduces new members and honors our departed shipmates with a TAPS section.  ​Articles and stories from members are encouraged.  Go to Sunrise Press and take a look at the current issue plus the last few issues.

I came across this video in an email sent to me from our then Association President, Gary Shorell, and was moved by the depth of soul and understanding that the young man in this video that is linked to here, displayed.  I'm sometimes discouraged by the complacency and disregard some people display towards the sacrifices that were made for them to be able to have that very luxury. Yet here is an 11 year old young man that "gets it" and becomes a shining example for all of us. May we remember not just once a year, but every day the sacrifice made for us, and to not waste it.




2025 Reunion

Memphis, TN -  Well !! Three reunions in the bag since Covid messed things up. It was by all measures our best attended since then. Well over 85 attendees, and we had a blast!  It was exciting since it had been so long since we had been in Pensacola; certainly before I joined this Association. Pensacola has changed in many ways, but is also the sleepy little coastal Navy town she always was.   Well, now we're really excited to be going to Memphis, TN, not far from where many of us aviation type enlisted went to our A school in Millington, TN. The details won't be firmed up until the beginning of the year, and that which we have will be in the March 2025 newsletter. Wait... I thought we were going to Bremerton, WA.  Well, we were, but unforeseen logistical problems with that location forced us to change course. So, keep an eye on our page here for updates as they are received.

The Association Scholarship Award is a one-time award to a graduating high school senior or a college/technical school student in their first two years of post secondary education up to the age of 25.  The winning award is in the amount of $1,000 and, funds permitting, two awards of $500 will be granted to the first and second runners up to assist them in furthering their education at a college or technical school of their choice. The award program is open to any high school or college/technical school underclassmen who are family member (son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, niece, nephew, etc.) of a USS Lexington CV16 Association member.

Folks, There has been a big change to our roster. We've winnowed out a lot of deadwood. Members that haven't paid dues for over 6 years are now gone from the rolls and must reapply for membership. Want to make sure you weren't deleted or will be in the future? Contact me @, and I'll tell you your status so you can get up to date.   Greg Plante (Editor, Sunrise Press, and Association Secretary